Why AdAsia Premium Marketplace

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AdAsia Premium Marketplace, safety, transparency

Transparency & High Levels of Brand Safety

The AdAsia Premium Marketplace provides you with full domain transparency, detailed and accurate metrics, ad verification and blocking, traffic monitoring, custom blacklisting functionality and compliance with GDPR, Better Ads standards, and ads.txt implementation, along with integrations with 3rd-party verification providers including adloox, IAS and fraudlogix  – ensuring your advertising is on transparent and brand-safe environments.

High Levels of Viewability via Product, Creative & Placement Optimization

Partnering up with Adloox, and IAS, the AdAsia Premium Marketplace is VAST and VPAID compliant, and averages above industry benchmarks for viewability.

AdAsia Premium Marketplace, viewability
AdAsia Premium Marketplace, targeting

Comprehensive Targeting and Retargeting Options

Utilize targeting options including context, location, interest, and mindset to drive audience connections. The AdAsia Premium Marketplace also allows you to build 1st-party audience pools for retargeting (25%, 50%, 100% completion, or clicked-through), and supports 3rd-party data options across major DSPs.

Comprehensive Product Portfolio To Drive Objective-Based Media Buying

The AdAsia Premium Marketplace provides you with a product portfolio that addresses your objective-based requirements throughout the marketing funnel – from awareness to purchase. Leverage on display, native and video advertising to meet your advertising and marketing KPIs.

AdAsia Premium Marketplace, managed service

Exceptional White Gloved Service for Managed Campaigns

Leverage on our team of experts to consult, optimize and drive your advertising campaigns. We also consult with publishers on optimizing site and inventory layouts to drive greater user value – providing you with an advertising environment that users enjoy.

Strong Direct Publisher Relationships in APAC

The AdAsia Premium Marketplace works with premium publishers across major markets in Asia, providing you with a truly pan-Asian reach for your advertising needs, and enabling you to reach your most valuable audiences through top publisher partners.

AdAsia Premium Marketplace, regional and global scale
AdAsia Premium Marketplace, top brands and agencies

Trusted by 500+ Global Marketers

The AdAsia Premium Marketplace is trusted by local, regional and global agencies and brands across automobile, F&B, finance, government, electronics and gadgets, beauty & fashion, real estate, travel, and others, powering their advertising with innovation and agility.

Drive Effective Contextual Advertising

The AdAsia Premium Marketplace empowers you with the ability to target ‘in the moment’ mindsets, enabling you to unlock brand storytelling that matters to your audiences.

AdAsia Premium Marketplace, mindset targeting